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Let's take a look at a few examples to better understand how multy works. Read our Getting Started guide for more details.

Define Global Config

First we need to choose which clouds we want to deploy to. You can request a free api_key by going on our website.

terraform {
required_providers {
multy = {
source = "multycloud/multy"

provider "multy" {
api_key = "xxx"
aws = {}
azure = {}

In this provider config, we have declared that we want our infrastructure to be deployed into AWS and Azure with credentials being passed through environment variables.

Declare Resources

Now that we have setup the provider, we can start declaring custom resources. Let's start with a simple virtual machine deployed in a private virtual network.

variable "clouds" {
type = set(string)
default = ["aws", "azure"]

resource "multy_virtual_network" "vn" {
for_each = var.clouds
cloud = each.key

name = "multy_vn"
cidr_block = ""
location = "eu_west_1"

resource "multy_subnet" "subnet" {
for_each = var.clouds

name = "multy_subnet"
cidr_block = ""
virtual_network_id =[each.key].id

resource "multy_virtual_machine" "vm" {
for_each = var.clouds

name = "test_vm"
size = "micro"
operating_system = "linux"
subnet_id = multy_subnet.subnet[each.key].id
cloud = each.key
location = "eu_west_1"

Here we are defining a few common cloud components. A virtual_network resource with an address space of and a subnet within that multy_vn resource. Finally we're defining a virtual_machine within multy_subnet.

The for_each = var.clouds means that resources will be created in each cloud (["aws", "azure"]) with their respective associations between resources.

Run Multy

After following the setup steps in Getting Started, you can deploy the services using the Terraform CLI.

terraform init    # download the terraform providers 
terraform plan # outputs what would be deployed if configuration is applied
terraform apply # deploy infrastructure