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Kubernetes cluster

This examples creates a managed Kubernetes cluster (EKS/AKS/GKE) in both AWS and GCP. It deploys a node pool that is automatically scaled by the cloud provider up to 3 nodes.

You can change which clouds to deploy in by changing the clouds variable.

terraform {
required_providers {
multy = {
source = "multycloud/multy"

provider "multy" {
api_key = "xxx"
aws = {}
gcp = {"project" = "multy-project"}

variable "clouds" {
type = set(string)
default = ["aws", "gcp"]

resource "multy_virtual_network" "vn" {
for_each = var.clouds
cloud = each.key

name = "multy-vm"
cidr_block = ""
location = "eu_west_2"

resource "multy_subnet" "subnet" {
for_each = var.clouds

name = "multy-subnet"
cidr_block = ""
virtual_network_id =[each.key].id

resource "multy_route_table" "rt" {
for_each = var.clouds
name = "multy-rt"
virtual_network_id =[each.key].id
route {
cidr_block = ""
destination = "internet"

resource "multy_route_table_association" "rta" {
for_each = var.clouds
route_table_id = multy_route_table.rt[each.key].id
subnet_id = multy_subnet.subnet[each.key].id

resource "multy_kubernetes_cluster" "cluster1" {
for_each = var.clouds
cloud = each.key
location = "eu_west_2"
name = "multy-cluster1"
virtual_network_id =[each.key].id

default_node_pool = {
name = "default"
starting_node_count = 1
min_node_count = 1
max_node_count = 3
vm_size = "general_medium"
disk_size_gb = 10
subnet_id = multy_subnet.subnet[each.key].id
availability_zones = [1]

depends_on = [multy_route_table_association.rta]

resource "local_sensitive_file" "kubectl" {
for_each = var.clouds
filename = pathexpand(length(var.clouds) > 1? "~/.kube/config-${each.key}": "~/.kube/config")
content = multy_kubernetes_cluster.cluster1[each.key].kube_config_raw

After deployment, you can interact with the clusters by running kubectl with the right kube config. For example:

kubectl --kubeconfig=$HOME/.kube/config-AWS get nodes
kubectl --kubeconfig=$HOME/.kube/config-GCP get nodes